Victor SMS: Assistant's Report

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General Info

Character: Victor



Required Karma:


Victor: Shelter
How to get: Star Up: Three Stars


Victor: What's the Assistant's Report you asked Goldman for?
  • Option 1
MC: Like it says, a daily report of work undertaken by an Assistant.
Victor: It's well written. Not bad.
Victor: But at the start you also wrote the date, location and weather. Are you writing a diary?
  • Option 2
MC: What do you think? I put my heart into it.
Victor: Well, the format is correct.
Victor: Why did you write date, location and weather at the start? You think it's a diary?
  • Option 3
MC: Gotta see things through to the end. Writing a report draws a line under the day.
Victor: ... That's a good way of thinking about it.
Victor: Leaving out the date, location and weather would be more standard.
  • Option 1
MC: Well... it's just my habit.
Victor: Well, maybe next time change your habit?
Victor: And the part at the end, is that also just your "habit"?
  • Option 2
MC: Goldman told me to do it. He said just treat it like a diary.
Victor: So, you wrote down what you ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Victor: Next time, please don't turn a report into a journal entry.
Victor: And that thing at the end, was it an "expression of true love"?
  • Option 3
MC: What's wrong with that? I'm just writing down what happened that day!
Victor: The reports are used for handovers between staff, there's no need to include so much detail.
Victor: And that last line was completely unnecessary.
  • Option 1
MC: Is it wrong to thank you from the bottom of my heart?
Victor: After all, I'm very "unreasonable".
Victor: You've got a lot of nerve.
  • Option 2
MC: I can't really remember the last think I wrote...
Victor: You want me to resubmit it? After all, I'm very "unreasonable".
Victor: You've got a lot of nerve.
  • Option 3
MC: Sorry!
Victor: You plead guilty even before I said?
Victor: Don't worry about editing it this time.
Victor: We can't have you thinking I'm "unreasonable".