View table: Moments

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Table structure:

  1. Name - String
  2. HasMomentsImage - Boolean
  3. Image - String
  4. AltImage1 - String
  5. AltImage2 - String
  6. Category - String
  7. FeaturedCharacter - String
  8. Type - String
  9. RequiredKarma - String
  10. Obtain - String
  11. PostMessageAuthor - String
  12. PostMessage - String
  13. ResponseAuthor1 - String
  14. Response1 - String
  15. ResponseAuthor2 - String
  16. Response2 - String
  17. ResponseAuthor3 - String
  18. Response3 - String
  19. ResponseAuthor4 - String
  20. Response4 - String
  21. AltResponse1Author1 - String
  22. AltResponse11 - String
  23. AltResponse1Author2 - String
  24. AltResponse12 - String
  25. AltResponse1Author3 - String
  26. AltResponse13 - String
  27. AltResponse1Author4 - String
  28. AltResponse14 - String
  29. AltResponse2Author1 - String
  30. AltResponse21 - String
  31. AltResponse2Author2 - String
  32. AltResponse22 - String
  33. AltResponse2Author3 - String
  34. AltResponse23 - String
  35. AltResponse2Author4 - String
  36. AltResponse24 - String

This table has 1 row altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Name HasMomentsImage Image AltImage1 AltImage2 Category FeaturedCharacter Type RequiredKarma Obtain PostMessageAuthor PostMessage ResponseAuthor1 Response1 ResponseAuthor2 Response2 ResponseAuthor3 Response3 ResponseAuthor4 Response4 AltResponse1Author1 AltResponse11 AltResponse1Author2 AltResponse12 AltResponse1Author3 AltResponse13 AltResponse1Author4 AltResponse14 AltResponse2Author1 AltResponse21 AltResponse2Author2 AltResponse22 AltResponse2Author3 AltResponse23 AltResponse2Author4 AltResponse24
Heroine Moments: Speedy Shopping (edit) Heroine Moments: Speedy Shopping Yes Mc174.png MC MC Karma Kiro: Cute Chef Obtained Karma MC Thanks to my many years of speed shopping, I managed to grab this from the bakery! Kiki Good Night! I didn't grab anything! Kiro Lemme know if you need help to finish the free cupcake! Savin Don't you dare give him a bite.