Shaw SMS: TV Binging

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General Info

Character: Shaw




Shaw: Have you been watching a TV series recently?
  • Option 1
MC: How did you know?
Shaw: Eight out of ten posts on your social media are about it.
Shaw: And you don't wanna come out when I ask to meet up. Isn't it obvious that you're addicted?
  • Option 2
MC: I'm just curious as to why everyone loves it. I'm not addicted.
Shaw: You've been binging until midnight every day.
Shaw: Then you post a 500-word review about it on social media.
Shaw: Is it that good?
  • Option 3
MC: Huh? Are you watching it too?
Shaw: I don't watch TV dramas.
Shaw: But you would rather watching your drama than coming to Livehouse. Is it that good?
  • Option 1
MC: I was curious at first, then just got obsessed.
Shaw: Tsk. You get obsessed with plenty of things.
Shaw: But it's time for you to pay me back for our bet.
Shaw: Come to Livehouse in the evening. I'll take you to a barbecue.
  • Option 2
MC: I so regret starting it, and now I'm obsessed.
Shaw: In that case, I'll be kind for a moment and help you get out.
Shaw: Come to Livehouse in the evening. They opened a new barbecue restaurant opposite.
Shaw: Get you to try some delicacies.
  • Option 3
MC: It's not bad. The ending is just so sad.
Shaw: Is it a sad ending just because the main characters didn't end up together?
Shaw: Stop watching if it makes you sad. I'll take you out for some late-night snack tonight.
Shaw: To cheer you up.
  • Option 1
MC: My eyes are puffy from crying. Don't really wanna go out.
Shaw: Is it that bad?
Shaw: I'll bring it to you then.
Shaw: Wait for me.
  • Option 2
MC: Shall we invite the rest of the band?
Shaw: Are you really that stupid?
Shaw: Just the two of us. That's it.
  • Option 3