Shaw SMS: Ship of Theseus

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General Info

Character: Shaw




MC: Are you still mad? I didn't mean to see that picture of you when you were a kid...
Shaw: I'm not so petty as to stay mad over such a trifle.
Shaw: Forget about it, as I did already, about its existence.
Shaw: Didn't expect it to drop from that book as well.
  • Option 1
MC: Hard to imagine it's you as a child if you hadn't had such a strong reaction...
Shaw: Why, completely different?
Shaw: It's hard for me to imagine too.
Shaw: Have you ever heard of the Ship of Theseus?
  • Option 2
MC: You were so cute with that smile. It's hard to tell...
Shaw: Hard to tell it's me right?
Shaw: I feel the same.
Shaw: Like the Ship of Theseus.
  • Option 3
MC: Is that really you in the picture? Not your twin or something?
Shaw: Why? Can't imagine me with that expression?
Shaw: It's unfamiliar to me too.
Shaw: Do you know the Ship of Theseus?
  • Option 1
MC: Yes. It's still the same ship even with all its parts replaced.
Shaw: Tsk tsk. What do you know.
Shaw: The original ship was a rampaging idiot.
Shaw: I was not.
  • Option 2
MC: It's no longer the original ship with all its parts replaced. Don't mourn over the past k.
Shaw: Mourn? What do I have to mourn about?
Shaw: I have things to stick to get done for now, so I don't have time to mourn over the past.
Shaw: You only have to focus on me right now.
  • Option 3
MC: Ship of Theseus? What do you mean?
Shaw: Never mind.
Shaw: I'm no longer the giggling boy in the picture.
Shaw: That's all you need to know.