Shaw SMS: Salesperson

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Shaw




Shaw: I heard you got hassled at the subway. What happened?
  • Option 1
MC: It was just the gym... Wait. How did you know?
Shaw: Adam saw you through the windows when he was buying food at the convenience store nearby.
Shaw: You're normally quite decisive when it comes to rejecting this kind of people.
Shaw: Why? Were you tempted this time?
  • Option 2
MC: It was a fitness class salesperson. He talked in my ears for a long time selling fitness courses.
Shaw: Oh, I know which one you are talking about. They had stopped me before.
Shaw: Why? Were you tempted this time?
  • Option 3
MC: Don't worry. I've escaped from the gym salesman!
Shaw: Oh, I see. Adam told me he saw you. I thought you got into trouble.
Shaw: You're normally quite decisive when it comes to rejecting this kind of people.
Shaw: Why? Were you tempted this time?
  • Option 1
MC: To be honest, I'm actually a bit curious about Pilates.
Shaw: Is this the one on the last video you sent me?
Shaw: Yo, looks like you weren't just on a whim.
Shaw: It was planned.
  • Option 2
MC: Actually, I was interested in their aerial yoga on the leaflet!
Shaw: I had a quick skim of their leaflet as well.
Shaw: Is it the one where you do the actions while being hung up with a cloth?
Shaw: It does look pretty interesting indeed.
  • Option 3
MC: They have trampolining in the fitness program!!! Trampolining!!!
Shaw: ...Seriously, judging by the exclamation marks,
Shaw: If you just admit that you want to play on the trampoline.
Shaw: It'd be more convincing.
  • Option 1
MC: My passion for excercise is rekindled! A good start is half the battle!
Shaw: That's what you said last time.
Shaw: Then you lost a box of Cokes to me, remember?
Shaw: I'll keep an eye on you this time. Don't repeat the same mistake again.
  • Option 2
MC: I plan to visit the gym first before deciding.
Shaw: Good idea. there are many false advertisements these days.
Shaw: I know there's a good barbeque restaurant near it.
Shaw: How about going for dinner after checking it out?
  • Option 3
MC: I'm serious about it! I'll definitely stick to it this time!
Shaw: Okay. Then I'll just wait and see.
Shaw: Let's bet on it with dinner.
Shaw: Let me just put it out there. I won't go easy on you.