Shaw SMS: Not-A-Paper-Cup

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Shaw




Shaw: Why didn't you throw away that used paper cup on the desk?
  • Option 1
MC: Oh no! I forgot! Could you throw it out for me?
Shaw: Could you be any lazier?
Shaw: I can't believe it.
Shaw: Alright. I threw it out for you.
  • Option 2
MC: Since you're there already, why don't you throw it out for me?
Shaw: You are really the laziest person I've ever met.
Shaw: Throw out your used paper cups next time.
Shaw: I have thrown it out for you.
  • Option 3
  • Option 1
MC: You actually threw it away? That is a porcelain cup! Could you be any denser?
Shaw: Says the person who actually believes I threw it out.
Shaw: I noticed it was not a paper cup the moment I picked it up.
Shaw: Why'd you buy this strange cup?
  • Option 2
MC: What?! You really threw it out?
Shaw: Isn't that what you told me to do?
Shaw: Alright, alright. I'll stop. I know it's not actually a paper cup.
Shaw: Why'd you put it here?
  • Option 3
  • Option 1
MC: I thought the cup was funny, so I bought it for you as a joke.
Shaw: I figured as much.
Shaw: Who else would buy such a strange-looking cup but you?
Shaw: You just wait. The joke's on you next time.
  • Option 2
MC: I bought it as a gift for you. I wanted you to drink more water at work.
Shaw: Well, well. Looks like you do have a heart after all.
Shaw: It actually looks kind of nice. I like it.
Shaw: Since you went all this way just to get it, I think I'll keep it.
  • Option 3