Shaw SMS: Mystery Juice

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Shaw




Shaw: Did you see? That juice that you're so fond of just released random-picking flavors.
  • Option 1
MC: So I'm basically opening a mystery box for juices? Never thought that everything could sell in mystery boxes...
Shaw: Supposedly, the anticipation makes the drink taste better.
Shaw: I bought you a bottle. It's in your bag.
Shaw: Time to put that theory to the test.
  • Option 2
MC: I did! The packaging looks so cool!
Shaw: I knew you were going to like the fancy packaging.
Shaw: I put one in your bag this morning. No need to thank me.
Shaw: What you get is up to your luck.
  • Option 3
MC: Not yet. I'll take a look later.
Shaw: No need. I put a bottle in your bag this morning when you left the house.
Shaw: Now the question is, are you lucky enough?
Shaw: Let's get one thing out of the way. You can't blame me for getting a flavor you don't like.
  • Option 1
MC: I took a few sips but couldn't figure out what flavor it is.
Shaw: I heard there was a new rare flavor amongst them.
Shaw: Can't believe you're so lucky!
Shaw: Save some for me. I want a sip when we go for food later.
  • Option 2
MC: Oh no! I just got my most hated flavor!
Shaw: I got the one with your favorite flavor. It was absolutely delicious.
Shaw: Don't feel bad. I'll save this bottle for you.
Shaw: We'll swap when we go for food later.
  • Option 3
MC: Cool! I just got my favorite flavor!
Shaw: Tsk. I got one with a really strange flavor.
Shaw: But it feels strangely pleasant after a few gulps.
Shaw: I'll let you have a taste when we go for food later.
  • Option 1
MC: Sorry! I don't have time today. I'm swamped with work!
Shaw: That's easy.
Shaw: I'll bring dinner for you. And then I'll escort you home after you get off from work.
Shaw: Problem solved.
  • Option 2
MC: Wait. I don't remember any plans for food together later.
Shaw: I just bought you juice.
Shaw: Is having food with me too much to ask?
Shaw: Alright. How about bowling instead?
  • Option 3
MC: Sur. What do you want to eat?
Shaw: I know a delicious place nearby.
Shaw: I already got the address from Adam.
Shaw: We'll also go pick up those shoes that you were screaming for last time.