Shaw SMS: Mystery Box

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Shaw




Shaw: What do the exclamations on Moments mean?
  • Option 1
MC: Take a guess.
Shaw: ...Boring.
Shaw: But since I have got some time to spare, I'll play along.
Shaw: Did you get a mystery box?
  • Option 2
MC: Curious? Not telling you!
Shaw: ...Tsk.
Shaw: You got a mystery box, didn't you?
Shaw: Acting so mysterious.
  • Option 3
MC: Say something nice and I'll tell you.
Shaw: ...You're getting smug these days.
Shaw: I can guess without you telling me.
Shaw: You got a mystery box?
  • Option 1
MC: !!! Are you a prophet?
Shaw: It's obvious from your Moments.
Shaw: What did you get in the box that made you so happy?
Shaw: Tell me about it.
  • Option 2
MC: You've got it right...
Shaw: If you want to be mysterious, don't post everything on your Moments.
Shaw: It's obvious from your Moments.
Shaw: What did you get in the box?
  • Option 3
MC: What! How did you know?
Shaw: ... Isn't it obvious?
Shaw: Have a look at your Moments.
Shaw: What did you get in the box that made you so happy?
  • Option 1
MC: The duckling I want the most!
Shaw: Ha. How lucky.
Shaw: When will you lend it to me for a few days?
Shaw: How about today? I'll come over now.
  • Option 2
MC: Sigh, Not the animal I wanted...
Shaw: It's your bad luck.
Shaw: Stay where you are. Let me show you what it looks like to have good luck.
Shaw: See you in 10 minutes.
  • Option 3
MC: Got my second favorite animal.
Shaw: That's it?
Shaw: Looks like you're not lucky enough.
Shaw: See you in 10 minutes. Let me show you how to get mystery boxes.