Shaw SMS: Murder Mystery

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Shaw




Shaw: You surprised me when we played Murder Mystery today.
  • Option 1
MC: What? Did you underestimate me before?
Shaw: No, I just didn't expect you have what it takes to pretend you're innocent.
  • Option 2
MC: There's a lot you don't know about me.
Shaw: You did surprise me today.
  • Option 3
MC: You did well too. We worked tgt.
Shaw: It was okay. I wasn't as good as you.
Shaw: But when I knew I had to help you as a spy,
Shaw: I was certain that you would expose yourself.
  • Option 1
MC: I'm glad we've completed the task.
Shaw: That's because we worked well together.
Shaw: It seems that we are the so-called "partner in crime."
Shaw: We can work as team again next time.
  • Option 2
MC: Looks like my acting skills have improved!
Shaw: Yup, you deserve an award.
Shaw: I only got dragged along to make up the number of players, but now I think this kind of game is quite interesting.
  • Option 3
MC: I can't tell if it's a compliment or not
Shaw: A compliment of course.
Shaw: I may play this game again if I'm with you next time.
  • Option 1
MC: You want to play it with me again?
Shaw: Correct.
Shaw: Besides, I will admit that...
Shaw: It's quite enjoyable to complete tasks with you.
  • Option 2
MC: Next time I'll be even better!
Shaw: I'll wait and see.
Shaw: I may play this again if I'm with you next time.
  • Option 3
MC: I think it's fun to play with you too!
Shaw: Thanks.
Shaw: It's good to be my partner, right?
Shaw: I'll always have your back.