Shaw SMS: Indoor Climbing

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General Info

Character: Shaw




Shaw: You promised to take me out this weekend. Don't forget!
  • Option 1
MC: I marked on the calendar. Don't worry. I'm not going to forget!
Shaw: Good. That'll keep you from forgetting.
Shaw: Since you've been keen, I think I'll take you somewhere a little more exciting.
Shaw: My friend just opened this indoor climbing place. You interested?
  • Option 2
MC: Of course, I rememeber. Do you have any place you want to go specifically?
Shaw: My friend just opened an indoor climbing gym. He told me to come and check it out.
Shaw: Do you want to come along?
  • Option 3
MC: I always keep my word! I'll definitely finish before Saturday!
Shaw: You got work overtime again?
Shaw: How about we do Sunday afternoon instead? I'd hate to see your tired pand eyes.
Shaw: My friend just opened an indoor climbing gym. Do you want to come? I am it will be fun.
  • Option 1
MC: Sounds like a great way to blow off some steam. I heard I get to choose my own climbing gear.
Shaw: It's settled, then! Let's see how well you do.
Shaw: Remember to warm up before you go. I'd hate to see you get injured.
  • Option 2
MC: How did you know I've been dying to go climbing?
Shaw: Because you keep sharing rock climbing videos on social media.
Shaw: You're am easy one to guess.
Shaw: Let me take another guess. You also want to buy a cup of boba tea before heading over.
  • Option 3
MC: But I've never tried it before.
Shaw: More reason to try it, then.
Shaw: They've got all the safety measures in check. I'll let you try on the easiest one first.
  • Option 1
MC: I'm starting to get stoked up! Do they offer anything else?
Shaw: They've also got trampolines plus tons of other stuff, very interesting.
Shaw: You're going to have a heyday.
Shaw: There's also a really nice hotpot place nearby.
Shaw: Maybe we can hit on the way there.
  • Option 2
MC: Alright! Let's do it! I'll take my coworkers here for team-building activities next time if it's fun.
Shaw: Have I ever taken you anywhere that's not fun?
Shaw: It seems that I have inspired you with your team-building activities.
Shaw: As a payback, it's your turn to find something fun next time, okay?
  • Option 3
MC: Should we bring some gifts for your friend? Since we are invited.
Shaw: Of course...
Shaw: Not.
Shaw: My buddy doesn't care. He just wants me to be there.
Shaw: Besides, I don't want to turn our date into a big gathering.