Shaw SMS: Hairband

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Shaw




Shaw: You left something at my place.
  • Option 1
MC: Leave it there. I'll go pick it up next time.
Shaw: What is this? A hairband?
Shaw: There's no need to come. I'm keeping it.
  • Option 2
MC: What? I have no idea that I dropped something...
Shaw: A black hairband. You left it on the sink.
Shaw: If you haven't noticed it, it's probably not important to you. Let me have it.
  • Option 3
MC: I know. It's for you. You're welcome.
Shaw: For me?
Shaw: Sure. I'll take it as a gesture of your goodwill.
  • Option 1
MC: ... You know how to use it?
Shaw: Of course.
Shaw: Why? Are you worried about what I'm going to do with it?
  • Option 2
MC: Isn't black a little plain? I can grab you a better-looking one next time.
Shaw: Sure. I'm not picky.
Shaw: I'm not the kind that's picky about what I get as a present.
  • Option 3
MC: Do you have any idea what it means to receive a hairband from a girl?
Shaw: I know one.
Shaw: But I'm not sure...
Shaw: If it's the same one you have in mind.
  • Option 1
MC: So the next time we meet, care to show me what you're going to do with the hairband?
Shaw: When are we going to meet next time?
Shaw: How about now?
  • Option 2
MC: Are you sure you won't just lose it in a few days?
Shaw: Do I look that careless to you? At least I have never lost you up till this point.
Shaw: Have a little faith in me.
  • Option 3
MC: So how are you goind to wear it? I'm really curious.
Shaw: Come take a look if you are curious.
Shaw: I get off early today. I'll see you at the same place.