Scorching Date

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For a complete list of dates, see also: Date List


"The sky up above, the sun rises and sets, the days come and go, though who can say if the one whow atches the world from on high is lonely or not?"

General Requirements

  • Character: Kiro
  • Required Intimacy: 6

Required Karma

Only one of the following Karma is required to unlock the date.

Dating Diary

Section 1

For this year's Fair, I didn't join my friends as usual, but sneaked into the forest with a package I'd prepared earlier.

Section 2

Inside the palace I found Kiro deep asleep. He was pleased when I handed him the cake and story books, but what I hadn't counted on, was the saucy storyline in one of the books!

Section 3

I took Kiro to the Fair in the city. Previously he had only ever watched the world from above. Today he would experience all the noise and drama of the mortal world for the first time.

Section 4

After an incident in the tavern, we left the city and headed back intot he mountains. Amid a sea of flowers, Kiro made a promise -- to stay with me, forever, until the end of time.
