Reality Show Date

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For a complete list of dates, see also: Date List


"I'm excited to work with Loveland TV's Go Travel Together, but even more excited about going to the seaside with Kiro."

General Requirements

  • Character: Kiro
  • Required Intimacy: 8

Required Karma

Only one of the following Karma is required to unlock the date.

Dating Diary

Section 1

I tagged along with the crew of the reality show "Go Travel Together" to film the early—morning knock on Kiro's door to start his trip.

Section 2

After arriving on the island, filming officially began. I thought the arduous tasks would trip up Kiro, but he breezed through, always dazzling for the camera.

Section 3

At a break in shooting, the host Lance proposed a game of volleyball. Kiro and I teamed up, and we beat our muscley competition with superior team chemistry.

Section 4

In a surprise segment, Kiro and I both got singled out for some tricky challenges. But even more surprising, my answer in the game made Kiro show a rare side of himself.
