Racing Heart Date

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For a complete list of dates, see also: Date List


"This year, Gavin and I are spending christmas in Northern Europe! It's picture-perfect, but Gavin's gift surprises me..."

General Requirements

  • Character: Gavin
  • Required Intimacy: 4

Required Karma

Only one of the following Karma is required to unlock the date.

Dating Diary

Section 1

On the airplane, Gavin and I re-watched a Christmas movie. Soon, we would be landing at our destination: Northern Europe.

Section 2

It was still early, so after dropping our bags, Gavin and I went for a stroll. In the festive Christmas atmosphere and falling snow, we decided to try some gingerbread cookies.

Section 3

It was getting later, and as the clock struck, I decided to give my mystery gift -- a reindeer carriage from Santa and a red scarf. I proudly told Gavin I'd embroidered it myself.

Section 4

The countdown to Christmas in the square was about to start. Somehow, Gavin and I were chosen to press the countdown button! I couldn't believe it, but something about Gavin told me...
