New Rain Date

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For a complete list of dates, see also: Date List


"Loveland Ciyt gets a lot of rain in early summer. I invite Gavin to the mountains to scout locations for a new proposal, and of course it rained on the day..."

General Requirements

  • Character: Gavin
  • Required Intimacy: 7

Required Karma

Only one of the following Karma is required to unlock the date.

Dating Diary

Section 1

After working overtime, it was raining once again. As I shielded two little cats from the rain with my umbrella, I found Gavin's umbrella over my own head.

Section 2

I invited Gavin to the mountain, but the view was covered with mist. Back at our cabin, while it drizzled outside, I found a guest book.

Section 3

The rain caused an unexpected disaster, and the owner asked Gavin for help. I waited in the cabin for a long time before finally deciding to go find him.

Section 4

The rain fell harder, but with Gavin by my side, I felt alright. We huddled together, and between the freezing rain and his warmth, we formed a new rainy day memory.
