Mirror Image Date

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For a complete list of dates, see also: Date List


"I agreed to do an "amateur art exhibition", but had no inspiration. Then a light on Lucien gave me a "fantastic" idea."

General Requirements

  • Character: Lucien
  • Required Intimacy: 6

Required Karma

Only one of the following Karma is required to unlock the date.

Dating Diary

Section 1

Lucien and I sat on the table thinking of what to paint, when a beam of light shone on Lucien, giving me inspiration to create a reflected light "fantasy".

Section 2

Now inspired, Lucien took me to a mirror shop, where I saw a "round-headed Lucien" and "square-headed me". After buying the mirrors, we realized we'd need a place to set them up.

Section 3

Deciding to make it right in the gallery, after one sweet little hiccup, we got down to work. But what to do about the painting itself? Lucien told me his definition of fantasy.

Section 4

We completed the painting, then set up the mirrors. The light reflected a subtle luster onto the canvas, in a moment of fantasy that belonged only to us.
