Lucien SMS: Smile Wrinkles

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General Info

Character: Lucien




Lucien: Something on your mind recently? You aren't even smiling anymore.
  • Option 1
MC: I've heard recently that smiling too much can lead to wrinkles... so I've been refraining from laughing and smiling.
Lucien: That's certainly not the answer that I was expecting.
Lucien: So what's your plan? Stop smiling from now on?
  • Option 2
MC: I saw a video online. They said that smiling too much will lead to wrinkles.
Lucien: I see.
Lucien: But I don't think not smiling is going to help.
  • Option 3
MC: Promise you won't laugh? I heard smiling too much can lead to wrinkles...
Lucien: Of course I'm not going to laugh at you.
Lucien: But I don't think not smiling is going to help.
  • Option 1
MC: It's probably only temporary since I am to sensitive these days. I'll probably forget about it in a few days.
Lucien: Looks like things will be back to normal then. Then I will return to a good mood then.
Lucien: To be honest, not being able to see your smile also puts me in a heavy mood.
  • Option 2
MC: I know it's not a permanent solution. Speaking of which, you also like to smile a lot, but how come you don't get any wrinkles?
Lucien: Really? It's not something I really take a keen eye to.
Lucien: But recently, I havent been smiling a lot either.
  • Option 3
MC: So I have a lot of skincare products stocked up. I figured I should probably take better care of my skin.
Lucien: That is certainly one way to handle it.
Lucien: It's just... it's been bothering me recently, and I feel a little down.
  • Option 1
MC: Did you run into something that's making you unhappy?
Lucien: It's more like... what's been making me smile is no longer there.
Lucien: Perhaps if you went back to normal and smiled more at me, I'll be better in no time.
Lucien: No matter how many wrinkles you get.
Lucien: Your smile will always be the loveliest thing in my heart.
  • Option 2
MC: I think I know what you're going to say... I it because you seldom see me smile these days?
Lucien: Looks like you're getting better at reading people's minds.
Lucien: I just want to let you know that your face will always be as lovely as it is right now, no matter how many wrinkles appear on it.
Lucien: I can feel my heart race every time you smile at me.
Lucien: So do me a favor, will you? Show me more of that beautiful smile of yours.
  • Option 3
MC: Why's that?
Lucien: Probably because my favourite smile isn't showing that much these days.
Lucien: To be honest, I don't think tiny wrinkles from smiling a lot are a bad thing.
Lucien: They're all part of you and what makes you who you are.
Lucien: So starting tomorrow, smile a little more for me, will you?