Lucien SMS: Overlooking the Landscape

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General Info

Character: Lucien




Lucien: I just emailed you the references for the program. Feel free to ask me if you have any questions.
  • Option 1
MC: Thanks for helping me with the research, Consultant Lucien.
Lucien: I met the expert at the meeting today, so I asked him about it.
Lucien: The location of our meeting today is quite unique.
Lucien: It's a 150-story skyscraper.
  • Option 2
MC: Thanks a lot. Are you back at the hotel now?
Lucien: I'll be right there.
Lucien: This interesting place I went to today, I wanted to share it with you first.
Lucien: Our meeting was held in a 150-story building.
  • Option 3
MC: Thanks. I'll take a look in a minute. How's your day? Everything all right with the meeting?
Lucien: I felt a little bit tired. Talking with you will give my mind a break.
Lucien: But today's meeting was held in an interesting place.
Lucien: It's 150-skyscraper with a panoramic view.
  • Option 1
MC: That...high? Isn't it like standing in the mid-air?
Lucien: That's an accurate description.
Lucien: It's still the same city. However, looking down at it from mid-air is very different from staying in it.
Lucien: It's a little strange even, just so magical.
  • Option 2
MC: Ten minutes to the 150th floor with our company's elevator...
Lucien: It's a high-speed elevator, and there is a special channel, so it won't take that long.
Lucien: It's amazing to slowly rise in the sightseeing elevator, as if you were gradually peeled off from the city.
Lucien: The hustle and bustle of the city feels strange and distant.
  • Option 3
MC: How's it compared to the glass path we visited earlier.
Lucien: They are different.
Lucien: On the glass path, you were gazing into the abyss. When high above the city, all that you could see was the hustle and bustle.
Lucien: But at the same time, it made me feel so strange about the city.
  • Option 1
MC: Probably it's beacuse you observer the city from mid-air with an onlooker's perspective.
Lucien: Indeed, would you like to observer the city from this perspective?
Lucien: When you observer the city as an onlooker, you will find it totally different from your own perception in so many aspects.
Lucien: I would like to know what you will see when you observe this city as an onlooker.
  • Option 2
MC: I want to feel it myself, but I'm a bit afraid of heights.
Lucien: It's hard to feel it just through verbal descriptions.
Lucien: The building is open to the public on weekdays. I'll show you around next time if we get the chance.
Lucien: If you are afraid of heights, you can grab my hand.
  • Option 3
MC: We can see the city from another angle if we get the chance.
Lucien: Sounds like a different experience.
Lucien: But with you around, it seems to be a different experience every time.
Lucien: This has much more to look forward to than the view itself.