Lucien SMS: Name and Surprise

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Lucien



How to get: Love Returns (Event)


MC: That reminds me, didn't you tell me you met a student with a name like mine?
Lucien: I did indeed.
Lucien: You're quite curious about this?
  • Option 1
MC: Was that true? What was her name?
Lucien: This may disappoint you.
Lucien: Actually, I never met a student like that.
Lucien: It was just that you hadn't contacted me in so long, I was hoping to get a surprise from you like that, that's all.
  • Option 2
MC: That's such a coincidence! I'd really like to meet her some day.
Lucien: This may disappoint you.
Lucien: Actually, I never met a student like that.
Lucien: It's just that I missed you, and I was hoping to get a surprise from you. That's why I said that.
  • Option 3
MC: Really? You... You're no lying to me, right?
Lucien: It seems [MC] really is my smartest student.
Lucien: I did lie to you, although I also lied to myself.
Lucien: I just really missed you, and I wanted to get a surprise like that from you. That's why I said that.
  • Option 1
MC: Oh, so that's what that was...
Lucien: It was only a tiny little joke. I hope you won't be mad.
Lucien: Although to avoid jokes like this, in the future you'll have to keep in touch with me more regularly.
  • Option 2
MC: The renowned Professor Lucien is actually a liar!
Lucien: It was only a tiny little joke. I hope you won't be mad.
Lucien: If you remember to keep in touch with me more regularly, then this kind of joke won't happen again.
  • Option 3
MC: Sorry. I was so busy with work before... I just never contacted you.
Lucien: It's fine. I know you put a lot of effort into the new show.
Lucien: But if you feel tired, you can contact me, and I'll lend an ear to your troubles.
Lucien: I've said before, I enjoy being "bothered" by you.
  • Option 1
MC: Next time, if I have to go away to a set for a long time, I will definitely be in touch with you often!
Lucien: Although I certainly don't wish to part with you for long, hearing you say that makes me happy.
Lucien: However, you can always contact me frequently, whether you're off on a shoot or not.
Lucien: I will always be hoping to hear from you.
  • Option 2
MC: Actually, next weekend I'm going location scouting again... If you're free, want to come with me?
Lucien: Since it's you who's asking, of course the answer's yes.
Lucien: I can't wait for the weekend to get here.
  • Option 3
MC: Next time, if I have to go away on a shoot for a long time, I will definitely prepare a real surprise for you!
Lucien: Actually, what I want more than a surprise is for you to keep in touch often.
Lucien: Or else... I might yet again be unable to resist going to the film location to find you.