Lucien SMS: Lucien's Silver Trumpet

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Lucien



Required Karma:


Lucien: Embellishment
How to get: Star Up: Three Stars


Lucien: Sorry, am I distubring you?
  • Option 1
MC: So it was you playing the trumpet! I peeked outside to check and thought I had the wrong person.
Lucien: I guess it was louder than I thought.
Lucien: I haven't played it for many years.. I need to get used to it.
Lucien: It sounds a bit off, too. I'll need some more time to work on my skills.
  • Option 2
MC: Of course not! I was in bed wondering which neighborhood kid was playing the trumpet.
Lucien: I've gotten rusty indeed. Haven't played it for years, after all.
Lucien: I'll need some more time to get used to it.
  • Option 3
MC: What if I say yes?
Lucien: Then you'd better rest when you can, because I'll be continuing to disturb you for a long time!
Lucien: I haven't played this trumpet for many years. I need some time to get used to it.
  • Option 1
MC: You can even play the trumpet?
Lucien: Not really.
Lucien: I tried a few times a long time ago... But I wasn't even at beginner level.
  • Option 2
MC: Lucien, you're always full of surprises! It's so hard to imagine you playing the trumpet.
Lucien: It's probably hard for you to imagine how terrible I am at it, too.
Lucien: I actually tried a long time before I could even make a sound with it.
  • Option 3
MC: I'm not sure where you picked up that new skill... But why did you decide to play the trumpet all of a sudden?
Lucien: No specific reason.
Lucien: After I got home, I just randomly decided to take it out of its dusty case.
Lucien: I guess I just wanted to hear how it sounds.
  • Option 1
MC: I want to continue listening to it.
Lucien: I'm glad to have a loyal audience even though my performance is awkward.
Lucien: I might be no virtuoso, but...
Lucien: At this moment, I really want to play music for you.
  • Option 2
MC: Can I... go listen to it at your place?
Lucien: Sure, as long as you don't mind the sound and my rusty performance.
Lucien: Actually... I, too, would like you by my side at a time liked this.
Lucien: Come to me, [MC]
  • Option 3
MC: This trumpet has a gentle tone. I like it.
Lucien: Yes.
Lucien: I like its tone too.
Lucien: I'm playing it for you and only you.