Lucien SMS: Group Gift

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Lucien




Lucien: Someone left this adorable gift box lying on my desk. I wonder who it could be?
  • Option 1
MC: It's from me! I left it for you when I was watering the flowers this morning.
Lucien: I saw it when I came back this morning.
Lucien: It's a tea set. I thought the patterns on it were quite beautiful.
Lucien: I figured we could use it to brew the scented tea leaves we dried together.
  • Option 2
MC: Hmm? What's inside?
Lucien: A beautiful porcelain tea set.
Lucien: Must be a gift from one of my students.
Lucien: This'll be perfect for my morning tea tomorrow.
  • Option 3
MC: Maybe you should open it?
Lucien: I already did.
Lucien: The craftsmanship is quite remarkable. Whoever made this must be quite skilled.
Lucien: I can't wait to brew tea out of this.
  • Option 1
MC: Aren't they just beautiful? I bought it while taking a trip. I've even got some for myself.
Lucien: Ah yes, I remember you sending me a bunch of interesting pictures.
Lucien: Looks like you had fun.
Lucien: I'm starting to regret not taking you up on your offer.
  • Option 2
MC: I saw it in a porcelain shop and thought it was exquisite. I'm glad you like it!
Lucien: Is this the same shop in the pictures you sent to me earlier?
Lucien: It does look like they're sporting some interesting wares.
Lucien: I wish I went with you. But I guess I'll have to take this tea set as consolation.
  • Option 3
MC: I got it as a gift for you while on a team-building session with my coworkers.
Lucien: Thanks. I quite like it.
Lucien: That being said, I wish I could've gone with you.
Lucien: There's always next time if you want to.
  • Option 1
MC: I figured you'd be interested. Let's go together next time!
Lucien: Sure. I guess I won't have to worry about you getting bored going to the same place twice.
Lucien: I heard it's beautiful there when all the flowers bloom in the spring.
Lucien: Let me plan the next trip for you if you don't mind. I want it to be a small surprise for you.
  • Option 2
MC: It's just not the same if I went with you. We should pick a time and go together.
Lucien: Going somewhere is one thing, but whom I'm going with is also important.
Lucien: Maybe we should go when the weather warms up in a few months?
Lucien: Upon that, there's more that we can do together.
  • Option 3
MC: I was only there for a day. I didn't even have time to visit everything. We should stay for a few days next time.
Lucien: I remember the food there being quite good as well. I'm going to guess you haven't had the time to try them yet.
Lucien: I'll be sure to clear my schedule next time.
Lucien: We'll take our time and enjoy everything it has to offer.