Lucien SMS: Familiarity and Strangeness

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Lucien



How to get: Love Returns (Event)


Lucien: Someone hasn't looked for me for a long time.
Lucien: Working hard alone again?
Lucien: If you overwork yourself, I'd feel lonely.
Lucien: After all, I'm waiting for you to "bother" me.
Lucien: Come see me when you are done with your work.
Lucien: My research is going well recently. How are you doing?
Lucien: I feel something is missing in my life sometimes
Lucien: I think it's because you're not around.
Lucien: I walked by the sweet shop you wanted to try, and there was no queue today. It's a pity you weren't there
Lucien: Let's go there together after you come back.
Lucien: And we can wait in line together if the shop gets busy.
Lucien: No matter how long it takes.
Lucien: I came across a problem the other day.
Lucien: No matter how many books I consulted, I couldn't figure it out.
Lucien: Then I remembered once you told me: Think of happy thoughts and be relaxed in times like this.
Lucien: So I've been thinking about you.
Lucien: I've read the book you recommended last time.
Lucien: The author has a very interesting point of view.
Lucien: We can exchange ideas when you're back.
Lucien: Today when I was organizing files, I saw a student's name similar to yours, only a one-letter difference.
Lucien: I thought it was another surprise you prepared for me.
Lucien: But I was a little disappointed.
Lucien: Let me surprise you this time.
Lucien: Can you come see me? I'm near the studio already.
MC: I'm not sure if it's a surprise or not... But, I'm back, Lucien.
Lucien: I like this surprise a lot.
Lucien: Welcome back, [MC].