Lucien SMS: Drive-in Movie

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General Info

Character: Lucien



Required Karma:


Lucien: Snowfall Shadow
How to get: Star Up: Three Stars


Lucien: [MC], are you free tomorrow night?
  • Option 1
MC: Yes, are we going to go somewhere?
Lucien: A few days ago, I discoverd online that there's a drive-in movie theater. It looks pretty promising.
Lucien: Perhaps, [MC], you would be interested in going with me?
  • Option 2
MC: Is there something fun going on?!
Lucien: I wouldn't say fun exactly, but if you do it with me, it could be a decent experience.
Lucien: I've discovered a nice-looking drive-in movie theater. Are you interested in checking it out with me?
  • Option 3
  • Option 1
MC: If it's with you, then I'm definitely interested!
Lucien: I'm the one who should be saying that.
Lucien: Tomorrow, I'll come pick you up from work. Although, before then, we'll have to make some preparations...
Lucien: To watch a film outdoors in the winter, we'll have to take measures to stay warm.
  • Option 2
MC: I'm very interested!
Lucien: I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
Lucien: Although, before going to the theater, we'll have to make preparations to "stay warm".
Lucien: If we're not careful and you catch a cold, then I'm afraid tomorrow's outing will not have been worth the trouble.
  • Option 3
MC: I've seen drive-in movie theaters before in movies. It seems really neat. I'd like to try it out!
Lucien: I'm sure the experience won't leave you disappointed.
Lucien: We could even empty out the trunk and lay in there. It would be a lot more comfy that sitting and watching.
Lucien: Although, we'll have to make preparations to "stay warm" beforehand.
  • Option 1
MC: No problem. Leave the blankets to me!
Lucien: Alright. [MC], I recall in your house there's a two-person wool blanket that's quite warm. I think that should be sufficient.
Lucien: As for the snacks and hot drinks, leave that to me.
Lucien: Because I have memorized every yummy thing you like.
  • Option 2
MC: Then let's go supplies shopping tonight for things to keep warm!
Lucien: Before we go shopping, how about we get dinner first?
Lucien: That way... we can eat as we plan our imminent "acquisition spree".
Lucien: There are also some other things I'd like to talk over with you when I see you face-to-face.
  • Option 3