Lucien SMS: Darkroom Mark

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Lucien



How to get: ASMR: Secret Mark


Lucien: What happened to the photo frame at the head of the bed? Did you "steal" it?
  • Option 1
MC: I'm the subject of the photo, so I have the right to remove it if I want!
Lucien: That kind of makes sense...
Lucien: But I was the one who took the photo, so shouldn't I have the rights to it too?
  • Option 2
MC: I'm not telling you. You took a photo of me without my permission, after all!
Lucien: You really won't tell me?
Lucien: Fine, then. It was a gift for me, so it's rightfully mine. It'll return to my bedside one day.
  • Option 3
MC: I... I didn't steal it! I just hid it somewhere.
Lucien: Oh? Why?
Lucien: If I remember correctly, it's my gift. So it should be mine.
  • Option 1
MC: Next time it's my turn to take a candid photo of you!
Lucien: Really? Go ahead.
Lucien: We can go back to the darkroom to develop pictures together again.
Lucien: Teaching you to pour the developer, step by step... I might look forward to that part even more than the photos themselves.
  • Option 2
MC: No more taking candid shots of me in the future.
Lucien: Well, I can't make any promises.
Lucien: Wasn't it fun developing the pictures in the darkroom?
Lucien: I'm already looking forward to next time.
  • Option 3
MC: Come to think of it, developing photos in the darkroom was kind of a fun experience.
Lucien: I feel the same.
Lucien: Let's do this again someday.
Lucien: To me, watching the image reveal itself gradually with you by my side was much more fun than I imagined.
  • Option 1
MC: ...You're making fun of me again!
Lucien: I see you didn't forget what happened in the darkroom last time, my little fool.
Lucien: We should go together again someday.
Lucien: Every second in the darkroom... every time our bodies touch... I want to cherish it all.
  • Option 2
MC: You... next time you need to stand further away from me!
Lucien: That would be hard...
Lucien: Because the whole process of standing behind you, helping you develop the pictures
Lucien: That was actually my favorite part
  • Option 3