Lucien SMS: Camping Trip

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Lucien




Lucien: Are you planning to go out this weekend?
  • Option 1
MC: How did you know? I'm going camping.
Lucien: You have a stack of cardboard boxes of camping supplies outside your door.
Lucien: I saw them on my way out.
  • Option 2
MC: Yes! I'm practicing pitching a tent!
Lucien: Great. You've bought a lot of professional equipment.
Lucien: Seems like you've done your homework in advance.
  • Option 3
MC: Yeah, but it needs so much prep.
Lucien: Take a break if you get too tired.
Lucien: I can help you tonight when I get back.
  • Option 1
MC: I've done a lot of research for this.
Lucien: Oh yeah?
Lucien: Sounds like you're excited about the camping trip.
Lucien: If you enjoy it, we can go on a camping trip next time.
  • Option 2
MC: They say we can hear animals at night...
Lucien: Don't worry.
Lucien: There shouldn't be any wild animals in camping sites around here.
Lucien: Perhaps we can also go camping next time.
  • Option 3
MC: I didn't think there'd be so much prep...
Lucien: It's good to be more prepared before a camping trip.
Lucien: It's the best way to ensure your safety.
Lucien: How about we go camping together next time? Then I can share some load too.
  • Option 1
MC: I can't wait to go on a trip with you!
Lucien: How about you make a wish list?
Lucien: Write down everything you want to try or sights you want to see.
Lucien: Then we can cross them out together. What do you think?
  • Option 2
MC: Great, that's what I was thinking!
Lucien: Great.
Lucien: Don't forget to send me photos after you get back.
Lucien: Because I want to enjoy different scenery with you next time.
  • Option 3
MC: Let's go somewhere further away.
Lucien: Great minds think alike.
Lucien: In addition to enjoying the view, we can also ride horses, fish and have a barbecue in the wild...
Lucien: Anyway, there are a lot of fun things I want to try with you.