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For a complete list of dates, see also: Date List


"It was Lucien's birthday today. What made it special was that, in the morning, he'd be giving a presentation on a topic he had been researching for years. After the presentation, he suggested spending his birthday with me at a special place..."

General Requirements

  • Character: Lucien
  • Required Intimacy: 4

Required Karma

Only one of the following Karma is required to unlock the date.

Dating Diary

Section 1

It was Lucien's birthday. I the morning, Lucien would be giving a presentation on a topic he had been doing research on for years. I sat at the very back of the conference hall, witnessing this historical moment with academics and researchers from all over the world.

Section 2

It was noon when the presentation was over. I told Lucien that he could customize his birthday celebration however he liked, and I'd happily accompany him to anything he chose to do. We ended up on an empty lot near an old street.

Section 3

Lucien described to me what this empty lot used to be like. Eyes closed, I imagined myself following Lucien into the old cottage. Though it was now an empty lot, the old cottage would remain forever glowing in Lucien's memory.

Section 4

Finally, we came to the observation platform on a hill and celebrated a simple, quiet birthday together. I made the wish that Lucien would always be the kind of person he wanted to be.
