Kiro SMS: Year-End Recap

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General Info

Character: Kiro



How to get: Christmas Gift 2020


Kiro: Just realized there's only a week left in this year and I still have so many unfulfilled plans!
  • Option 1
MC: I think I heard that line before...
Kiro: Well, I said that last year too, and the year before that...
Kiro: It seems I've never kept my New Year's resolutions.
Kiro: But every time I finished watching a bunch of year-end recaps, I got the feeling that the past year was well-spent and fruitful.
  • Option 2
MC: What a coincidence. Me too!
Kiro: I'm guessing the recaps we watched were released on the same app!
Kiro: We always think alike.
Kiro: Those recaps brought a real sense of closure to the year.
  • Option 3
MC: The year is almost done. If you haven't completed your goals yet, that's okay. There's always next year.
Kiro: Couldn't have said it better myself!
Kiro: For now, we should focus on enjoying the festive season.
Kiro: Every Christmas, the internet is flooded with all kinds of recap videos...
  • Option 1
MC: Watching all those recaps always fills me with joy.
Kiro: Yeah, it's amazing how it floods your brain with memories.
Kiro: And it always makes me appreciate how precious our time together is.
Kiro: So, care to tell me about your personal recap?
  • Option 2
MC: Can't believe another year is over. Time sure does fly...
Kiro: Yeah, I feel the same way... Guess that's because I enjoy our time together.
Kiro: Hope I'll enjoy next year as much as I did this year!
Kiro: So, what's in your personal year-end recap?
  • Option 3
MC: I feel regret that I couldn't fulfill the plans I had for the past year.
Kiro: Look on the bright side. You've had a lots of special moments.
Kiro: Did anything or anyone stand out in your personal recap, Miss Chips?
  • Option 1
MC: I saw you in a music recap video today. Mr. Kiro was voted "Musician of the Year".
Kiro: And here comes Mr Kiro to accept the reward.
Kiro: Here goes the speech: I want to thank someone who's very very special to me-
Kiro: My partner of the year: [MC]
  • Option 2
MC: I have a special year-end award for you: partner of the year!
Kiro: Wow! That's the best Christmas gift I've ever got!
Kiro: I also have an award for you.
Kiro: Kiro's favorite person of the year: [MC]
  • Option 3
MC: I don't know about anything else, but Mr. Kiro is definitely my crush of the year.
Kiro: That just made my day.
Kiro: And I must say, you top all my best-of-the-year lists.
Kiro: I imagine this time next year, you'll still be staying on the top of those lists.