Kiro SMS: Winter Mornings

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Kiro




Kiro: I overslept today and got told off by Savin again...
  • Option 1
MC: Who can get up in this weather?
Kiro: Well said, comrade!
Kiro: That's what I said to Savin, and the outcome was very tragic.
Kiro: How on earth do people get up on time?
  • Option 2
MC: How does Savin always get up on time?
Kiro: Savin said he'd set an alarm.
Kiro: But I don't think it works for us.
Kiro: How does one overcome the temptation of the bed...
  • Option 3
  • Option 1
MC: No idea. Or I wouldn't be like this...
Kiro: We are just poor people kidnapped by the bed...
Kiro: I wish I could be part of the bed whenever winter is here.
Kiro: But we have to find a way.
  • Option 2
MC: Drink a glass of cold water when you get up.
Kiro: Tried that. Didn't work at all.
Kiro: It did give me a cold shiver.
Kiro: But the coldness just makes me want to go back to bed straight away...
  • Option 3
MC: How about not closing your eyes after been wakened by the alarm, and play some game on your phone?
Kiro: Is this the so-called defeating magic with magic?
Kiro: Defeating the demon king with another demon king.
Kiro: I'll give it a try. I feel like it'll work.
  • Option 1
MC: What motivates you?
Kiro: Miss Chips, of course...
Kiro: Oh, I know! How about we record an alarm ringtone for each other?
Kiro: With the first thing we hear every morning being each other's voice, getting up won't seem that terrible anymore!
  • Option 2
MC: I've noticed a blink spot...Do you think we go to bed too late?
Kiro: Speaking of that...we do often chat until late at night.
Kiro: But I can't just shorten the time I chat with you just because of this...
Kiro: I know! The perfect solution would be to chat with you in the morning!
  • Option 3
MC: If only humans hibernated!
Kiro: I know—At times like this, I often wish I were a bear.
Kiro: I could just stuff the soft duvet and many snacks into a tree hole in winter.
Kiro: Then put Miss Chips into the tree hole and sleep until spring!