Kiro SMS: Win Some, Lose Some

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Kiro




Kiro: I ate a lot of snacks on the sly while on set. Then I found that the crew had prepared a dinner party behind my back. Can't believe this!
  • Option 1
MC: Hahaha, so you're already full on the snacks, eh?
Kiro: Not exactly full, but close enough...
Kiro: And as if that was not bad enough, Savin came to me and said, "You've worked very hard these past few days. Now you can let loose and eat to your heart's content!"
Kiro: Can you imagine my frustration?!
  • Option 2
MC: How do you feel looking at a table laden with food now?
Kiro: I feel regret!
Kiro: And as if that was not bad enough, Savin came to me and said, "You've worked very hard these past few days. Now you can let loose and eat to your heart's content!
Kiro: I bet he caught me eating snacks...
  • Option 3
MC: You must be full of regret now, huh?
Kiro: Yeah, I even cried a little!
Kiro: Savin even came to me and said: "As a reward for your hard work, go ahead and eat to your heart's content!
Kiro: You should see the smirk on his face when he said that!
  • Option 1
MC: It's no big deal. What matters is that you're no longer hungry!
Kiro: Yeah, good point...
Kiro: I've been on a strict diet for months on set...
Kiro: But the snacks more than made up for that.
  • Option 2
MC: I had similar experiences. There was this time I took a shortcut but ended up making a big detour around a construction site...
Kiro: Hahaha, that's classic!
Kiro: Looks like we have more in common than we think.
Kiro: I feel better now after talking to you.
  • Option 3
MC: I feel bad for you. I can feel your pain through the screen...
Kiro: Well, I've been on a strict diet throughout the filming.
Kiro: And now I can finally let loose and eat snacks.
Kiro: At least that's something to be happy about!
  • Option 1
MC: By the way, do you have any plans for after the party? I'll get off work on time today.
Kiro: Really? That's great news!
Kiro: It just made all my troubles go away!
Kiro: I don't have any plans. I'm always available for you.
  • Option 2
MC: If you think about it, people make mistakes like that all the time. You win some, you lose some.
Kiro: That's a good point.
Kiro: Yeah, sometimes the harder you try to gain something, the more likely you're going to lose it.
Kiro: That said, there are certain things I never compromise on, such as...
Kiro: Everything about you.
  • Option 3
MC: Here's something to cheer you up. Wanna go grab a late-night snack together!?
Kiro: Hell yeah!
Kiro: This turned out to be a wonderful day after all!
Kiro: Thankfully I didn't have much to eat tonight. Guess that's "a blessing in disguise"!