Kiro SMS: Try More Hot Water

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Kiro




Kiro: Got a lovely gift from a fan. Guess what it is?
  • Option 1
MC: That's too hard... Any hint?
Kiro: A water bottle that keeps you warm and healthy all the time.
Kiro: Since you're so smart, you must have guessed it by now.
Kiro: It's a thermos!
  • Option 2
MC: I saw you posted a pic of a strange thermos on Moments. Is that...
Kiro: I understimated how observant Miss Chips was!!
Kiro: Yes, that's the gift-the wildly popular Lemon Duck Thermos.
  • Option 3
MC: I suppose it's something that "makes Kiro happy."
Kiro: Wow, that's a clever answer!
Kiro: Alright, full score.
Kiro: Actually, it was a thermos. Surprised, huh?
  • Option 1
MC: Such a sweet gift. It must be your fan's way of telling you to stay healthy.
Kiro: Oh well, I will not let my fan down.
Kiro: Savin said this gift would get me into the habit of staying hydrated with hot water.
Kiro: He gave me a whole speech about how I would benefit from that habit.
  • Option 2
MC: You mean that Duck Lemon Thermos that's been all over the internet?
Kiro: Bingo! Pinch it's beak and it will tel you to "drink more hot water".
Kiro: Every time I meet it's gaze, I feel compelled to get hot water...
Kiro: I'm going to get a smoothie to reward myself for staying hydrated with hot water.
  • Option 3
  • Option 1
MC: I'll visit you on set sometime and drink hot water with you!
Kiro: Now I feel motivated to drink hot water!
Kiro: The white fungus soup they provide on set is very good.
Kiro: I'll put some in my thermos to keep it fresh and bring it back for you to try!
  • Option 2
MC: Here's fun fact: you can use a thermos to hold cold drinks.
Kiro: That's genius, Miss Chips! Thanks for reminding me!
Kiro: Next time...I'm gonna try and put ice cream in it!
Kiro: Then we'll go someplace secret to eat it.
  • Option 3