Kiro SMS: Ticket

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Kiro




Kiro: Guess what I found today?
  • Option 1
Mc: Did you ransack Apple Box's secret "treasure"?
Kiro: Of course not. Those are his.
Kiro: I'm not the kind to steal from others!
Kiro: I found half of a movie ticket!
  • Option 2
MC: I don't know. What'd you find?
Kiro: I figured you wouldn't know.
Kiro: Even I didn't think I could find something like this.
Kiro: I found half of a movie ticket!
  • Option 3
MC: I'm going to guess that you found your long-lost snack stash.
Kiro: You don't have to worry about that!
Kiro: I'm never going to forget where I stash my snacks.
Kiro: I found half a movie ticket!
  • Option 1
Mc: When is the movie ticket?
Kiro: I'll give you a hint!
Kiro: Two years ago, on a rainy day.
Kiro: Does anything ring a bell?
  • Option 2
MC: What movie was it from?
Kiro: You'll have to guess!
Kiro: It was two years ago, on a rainy day...
Kiro: It was a movie that we both figured interesting. Remember?
  • Option 3
MC: What's so significant about that?
Kiro: Because it was from a very memorable movie!
Kiro: Allow me to jog your memory. It was two years ago, on a rainy day...
Kiro: Does anything come to mind?
  • Option 1
Mc: Vaguely. Was it that time that we got soaked?
Kiro: Yup! We both forgot our umbrellas.
Kiro: Do you want to see that movie again with me?
Kiro: This time, I'll make sure you get home good as new!
  • Option 2
MC: I don't remember at all... T T
Kiro: Looks like the experience wasn't memorable enough for you.
Kiro: It's alright, though! I prepared something else besides just going to the movies.
Kiro: Prepare for an experience of a lifetime.
  • Option 3
MC: Yes. I recall now! I can't believe how fast time flies.
Kiro: I knew you'd remember.
Kiro: I heard that movie is having reruns.
Kiro: May I have the honor to invite beautiful Miss Chips to the movie once again?