Kiro SMS: Regular Flower Gift

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Kiro




Kiro: Miss Chips, have you received this week's flowers?
  • Option 1
MC: Yes, they just arrived. They're beautiful!
Kiro: I can feel your joy through the screen.
Kiro: If the flowers make you so happy, I shall keep them coming.
Kiro: What color do you want next time?
  • Option 2
MC: Why did you send me flowers again this week?
Kiro: Because I want to collect more of your smiles.
Kiro: That is, if the flowers do make you smile.
Kiro: So, what color do you want next week?
  • Option 3
MC: Not yet, but just received a text message saying I got a package.
Kiro: ...I texted you because I thought you received it.
Kiro: I tried so hard to get the timing right but still failed.
Kiro: But it's okay. I'll text you right on time next week.
Kiro: By the way, what color do you want the flowers to be next week?
  • Option 1
MC: Let me see... Pink. Pink is refreshing.
Kiro: Noted!
Kiro: Next week's flowers will be handed to you by delivery man Kiro!
Kiro: Prepare to be surprised!
  • Option 2
MC: How about green? Green ushers in early spring!
Kiro: Great minds think alike!
Kiro: I was just going to order a bouquet of sunflowers.
Kiro: Also, I booked the same delivery man, Kiro.
  • Option 3
MC: You've been sending me flowers for weeks now. Give it a break!
Kiro: No!
Kiro: These flowers are my gift for you.
Kiro: Besides, the deliveryman I booked for next week, Kiro, is geared up and ready to go!
  • Option 1
MC: I never got you a gift... Is there anything you want in particular?
Kiro: Anything I want?
Kiro: How about you come and spend the weekend with me!?
Kiro: I just want to spend time with you, that would be the best gift for me.
  • Option 2
MC: Let me buy you lunch in return.
Kiro: If you insist!
Kiro: I want to eat MC’s signature boxed lunch!
Kiro: For me, no meal beats a boxed lunch made by Miss Chips!
  • Option 3
MC: Do I really have to wait until next week to see you...? How about I come visit you on set today?
Kiro: !
Kiro: The car is ready. The snacks are ready.
Kiro: And more importantly, Kiro's open arms are ready!