Kiro SMS: Perfect Pitch

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Kiro




Kiro: I just watched the video you sent me. The kid in the video has a perfect pitch!
  • Option 1
Mc: I heard it's a very rare talent. it's only found in a very small amount of people about 0.01% to 0.05%.
Kiro: That's right. Anyone with a perfect pitch is bound for musical greatness.
Kiro: If you are interested, I can show you next time you come to my place.
Kiro: You'll play, and I'll identify, just like the kid in the video.
  • Option 2
MC: I saw he could distinguish very complicated chords. Is a perfect pitch really that amazing?
Kiro: To those with it, indentifying chords isn't very hard.
Kiro: You don't believe me? I can show you directly next time when you come to my place.
Kiro: Hearing is believing.
  • Option 3
MC: What's a perfect pitch?
Kiro: It is the ability for someone to distinguish the intonation and pitch without any outside reference.
Kiro: Eh... How do I put in simple terms...
Kiro: I can show you next time you come to my place.
  • Option 1
Mc: Question! Can someone develop a perfect tone by practicing?
Kiro: Unlikely. But with practice, one can improve their sense of musical tones.
Kiro: You can develop a relative pitch from practice.
Kiro: For most music producers, a relative pitch is often good enough.
  • Option 2
MC: I'm so jealous! I also want talent like that!
Kiro: I'll test you for it next time we meet.
Kiro: I feel like you also have a natural sense of music. Perhaps there is a surprise to be found.
Kiro: My hunches are usually correct.
  • Option 3
MC: Do you also have a perfect pitch?!
Kiro: Yup. You guessed it.
Kiro: I'm very thankful for it.
Kiro: It helped me a lot in my musical career.
  • Option 1
Mc: If I had to choose a superpower... I want a power where I can eat a lot of things without getting weight!
Kiro: I want a power like that as well!
Kiro: Speaking of which, Savin has agreed to ease up on my eating restrictions for a little bit.
Kiro: Let's go. We're going to eat until we are stuffed right now!
  • Option 2
MC: Having perfect pitch must feel like having God kiss on your ears...
Kiro: Although it's slightly embarrassing, that's certainly one way to put it.
Kiro: If there really is a God, then he must love me very much.
Kiro: That's why he sent the perfect you to my side.
  • Option 3
MC: I heard people with a perfect pitch can even identify the tone of each raindrop hitting the ground. I wonder...
Kiro: Sure. But unfortunetly, it's not raining today.
Kiro: I can also distinguish every tone of your voice when you are speaking.
Kiro: To me, your voice is already the most beautiful sound in the world.