Kiro SMS: Mountain Delicacy

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Kiro



How to get: Love Returns (Event)


Kiro: OMG, I actually got that postcard you sent from the mountain!
  • Option 1
MC: Haha, really?! It actually made it!
Kiro: It sound like you used a really dodgy place to mail your postcard from, haha.
Kiro: But you know, next time you go to such a far-away place to shoot a show, you better tell me beforehand!
  • Option 2
MC: OMG, the postcard actually took longer than me to arrive!
Kiro: And you actually wanted the postcard to be quicker than you? That's too much!
Kiro: But you know, next time you go to such a far-away place to shoot a show, you better tell me beforehand!
  • Option 3
MC: It's just a normal postcard, isn't it? Why are you so shocked?
Kiro: The important part isn't that it was mailed from the mountain!
Kiro: You didn't reach out to me that whole time you where away filming. It was rough for me...
  • Option 1
MC: I'm sorry... Take a look at what I put on the card though. It'll cheer you up!
Kiro: I'm looking now~
Kiro: Haha, you drew a bunch of yummy foods.
Kiro: Was the fare in the mountains this good? Or were you craving these after eating mediocre craft services everyday?
  • Option 2
MC: I may have been up in the mountains, but I was thinking of you the whole time. The postcard proves it!
Kiro: But this is just a bunch of drawings of food!
Kiro: I suddenly feel like you were up there living the high life...
Kiro: And I was here drudging away all by myself TAT.
Kiro: Although, these do look pretty yummy. You guys really went all out on craft services...
  • Option 3
MC: I wanted to get in touch with you too, but I had no signal, so all I could do was mail a postcard...
Kiro: Alright, I can accept this excuse.
Kiro: Let me see what you wrote on your postcard~
Kiro: It's all drawings of yummy food, haha! Was the set's craft services that fancy?
  • Option 1
MC: It's not craft services. I unlocked a lot of wilderness survival skills in order to eat like this!
Kiro: I didn't know you were so skilled!
Kiro: When you get a chance, you'll have to tell me all about your time on set.
Kiro: Aww! I really want to taste your mountain cuisine too, MC!
  • Option 2
MC: That's not craft services. It's all locally sourced ingredients from farm to table! No easy feat!
Kiro: Haha, so that's why you drew that little person hard at work on the side there.
Kiro: But I can tell you were really happy! Or else you wouldn't have drawn all this and mailed it to me, right?
Kiro: Aww! I really want to taste your mountain cuisine too, [MC]!
  • Option 3
MC: Actually, I made it all myself! I wanted to share it with you at the time. Too bad there was no way to send a pic.
Kiro: That's okay. You're sharing it with me now, aren't you?
Kiro: Knowing that you didn't go hungry up in the mountains puts me at ease!
Kiro: Too bad I wasn't there... I really want to taste your mountain cuisine too, MC!
  • Option 1
MC: That'd be great if we can go together next time. Just the two of us~
Kiro: A mountain adventure with just the two of us?
Kiro: Sounds pretty good!
Kiro: If you're that game to try, then I'll definitely be with you every step of the way, MC!
  • Option 2
MC: There's no more mountain cuisine, but there is still some city cuisine.
Kiro: You mean you're going to cook for me?!
Kiro: Or do you mean we'll go out to eat?
Kiro: No matter which one, I'll be right over!
  • Option 3
MC: I suddenly remembered, I actually have a souvenir for you. I'll bring it over in a bit, okay?
Kiro: No nedd, I'm heading your way.
Kiro: We can share a meal and chat about your mountain escapades~