Kiro SMS: Internet Addiction

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Kiro



Required Karma:

Kiro Follow Base.png

Kiro: Follow
How to get: Obtained Karma


MC: The game you recommended me was super fun.
Kiro: Isn't it? Oh, by the way, I found another fun game recently. Let's try it out together!
  • Option 1
MC: Sure, what game?
Kiro: I'll send you the link later.
Kiro: I can't get my console to turn on. I wonder what's wrong...
  • Option 2
MC: Have you had a lot of time for gaming?
Kiro: Yeah. I have two days off so I played through all of the games l've been hoarding.
Kiro: l had so much fun!
Kiro: Hmm, I can't get the game to start. Wonder what's wrong...
  • Option 3
MC: The manager's gonna scold you again.
Kiro: I have two days off! The manager won't get a chance to scold me.
Kiro: ...But you mustn't tell him I've been playing games all day, okay? Keep your lips zipped!
Kiro: Hmm, I can't get the game to start. Wonder what's wrong...
  • Option 1
MC: How long have you been playing?
Kiro: Just...a few hours.
Kiro: I'll charge it now.
  • Option 2
MC: Must be out of battery.
Kiro: Probably. I'll charge it now.
  • Option 3
MC: ...You should probably charge it?
Kiro: Gotcha.
Kiro: I'll charge it now.