Kiro SMS: Happy Winter

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Kiro




Kiro: Miss Chips, guess what I'm doing right now?
  • Option 1
MC: Since it's very late in the night and you're still up, my bet is you're grinding some game.
Kiro: Hahaha, wrong guess!
Kiro: Just between you and me--
Kiro: I'm eating the ice cream we bought together last time.
  • Option 2
MC: It's very late in the night. Are you writing a song?
Kiro: I finished recording the new album a long time ago.
Kiro: Suprised, huh?
Kiro: I'm eating the ice cream we bought together last time.
  • Option 3
MC: You're not at the Midnight Cafeteria, are you?
Kiro: Haha, not exactly.
Kiro: But close enough.
Kiro: I'm eating the ice cream we bought together last time.
  • Option 1
MC: It's bad enough you ate ice cream at this hour, but you're telling me about it! That's outrageous!
Kiro: Aw, I know...
Kiro: But I can't help it!
Kiro: Nothing beats eating ice cream under the covers in winter!
  • Option 2
MC: Eating ice cream under covers, huh? You sure know how to enjoy yourself!
Kiro: You bet!
Kiro: We're cut from the same cloth!
Kiro: Ice cream is best eaten in winter.
  • Option 3
MC: Eating ice cream behind my back in this freezing weather? You're gonna get a bellyache!
Kiro: I'll be fine.
Kiro: And this is not "behind your back." We bought the ice cream together.
Kiro: I'm just sharing my joy with you, that's all.
  • Option 1
MC: Now you make my mouth water.
Kiro: Open your fridge and join me!
Kiro: That'll be double the fun!
Kiro: And we'll have one more secret between us!
  • Option 2
MC: Humph, I will tell on you to Savin.
Kiro: Please don't!
Kiro: You don't want me getting scolded, do you?
Kiro: I see what this is about. Fine, name your price! How many cakes will it take to keep your mouth shut!?
  • Option 3
MC: Is it a bit like sleeping under covers on hot days with the air conditioner on?
Kiro: Hahaha, I knew you'd understand!
Kiro: Well, wanna join me?
Kiro: Doing this together doubles the fun!