Kiro SMS: Go Swimming

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Kiro



Required Karma:

Kiro Together with You Base.png

Kiro: Together with You
How to get: Star Up: Three Stars


MC: You really think I can learn to swim? Please consider this carefully! I don't want to die!
Kiro: Of course you can! You're smart, brave, fearless, invincible!
  • Option 1
MC: But I have aquaphobia... what if I drown in the pool?
Kiro: I'll bring you to the shallow end. The water will only come up to your waist.
Kiro: Trust me. I'll be watching over you.
  • Option 2
MC: You still think I'm stupid, I bet...
Kiro: Nope! Didn't I already say you're invincible?
Kiro: Of course, you could do with a little bit more courage.
Kiro: You don't need to be afraid of the water. I'm right here watching over you!
  • Option 3
MC: Doesn't sound very convincing, but okay.
Kiro: Right? Just tell yourself you can do it, and it'll work out!
Kiro: Besides, I'll be right here by your side. No need to worry!
  • Option 1
MC: Does learning to swim take a long time?
Kiro: It takes only a few days if you're a fast learner.
Kiro: It's really easy. It's not as complicated as you think.
  • Option 2
MC: If I end up quitting, will you think I'm a wimp?
Kiro: I will! I'll definitely call you a wimp!
Kiro: You won't need to quit. I'll be right by your side!
  • Option 3
MC: Then you'll think I'm a fast learner!
Kiro: You're very smart. You'll learn really quickly.
  • Option 1
MC: When are you free? Let's go together!
Kiro: Next Tuesday, I think? I have an interview in the morning but I'm free in the afternoon.
Kiro: It's a date then! Let's meet up on Tuesday!
  • Option 2
MC: Let me think about it a little more.
Kiro: Remember our promise to go scuba diving together? I'm still waiting for your reply!