Kiro SMS: Forum Souvenir

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General Info

Character: Kiro




Kiro: Miss Chips! I want a hug...
  • Option 1
MC: Did Savin say something about you again?
Kiro: Nah, Savin won't affect me that much.
Kiro: It's just... one of my favorite manga sites is shutting down...
Kiro: It's been my greatest source of entertainment, and I've got a lot of fond memories of it... what a shame
  • Option 2
MC: There, there. Tell me what's wrong?
Kiro: Remember that manga site that we used to watch together?
Kiro: The one where a lot of people would theorycraft and share original works.
Kiro: I just saw the announcement that they are shutting down due to a lack of active users.
  • Option 3
MC: Did you also see the shutdown notice? I'm so sad now!
Kiro: Yes! The one I recommended to you earlier!
Kiro: The admin announced out of nowhere that they were shutting down :(
Kiro: What a shame...
  • Option 1
MC: A few sites I liked went through similar thing when I was younger because they could not generate enough revenue.
Kiro: Kudos to the admin for keeping it alive as long as he did.
Kiro: Still, I don't want it to just disappear like it never existed.
Kiro: I contacted the admin. He said I can download the site's existing content and share it with whoever wanted it.
  • Option 2
MC: Maybe we should leave a final message before it shuts down?
Kiro: I was actually thinking about contacting the admin instead.
Kiro: I want to salvage the existing contents on the site and compile them on an app, so people who want to reminisce can have a place to go.
Kiro: The admin happily obliged.
  • Option 3
MC: Is there anything Key can do that'll let the site continue to exist?
Kiro: That's exactly what I was thinking!
Kiro: So that's why I'm going to compile all existing content into an app for easy viewing.
Kiro: I asked the site admin, and he happily agreed to my proposal.
  • Option 1
MC: If anyone could come up with an idea, I knew it had to be Key! Is there anything I can do to help?
Kiro: Of course! The original site didn't have a mobile version, so reading it on the phone was a chore.
Kiro: I'm going to build a mobile version. I could definitely use your inputs on settings.
Kiro: It's settled, then. I'll see you at my place after work today!
  • Option 2
MC: Sounds like it's going to be a lot of work. Are you sure you can handle everything yourself?
Kiro: It's not as complicated as you think.
Kiro: That being said, I coud use a few inputs and opinions.
Kiro: And that job is going to be yours, Miss Chips!
  • Option 3
MC: I'm sure everyone would be sad to see the site disappear. You're probably doing the owner a huge favor.
Kiro: Yeah. I'm sure the owner is the saddest to see it go, considering he kept the site running for so long out of his own pocket.
Kiro: Would you like to come and take a look with me today?
Kiro: I'm sure I'll finish it in half the time with your help.