Kiro SMS: Christmas Preparations

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Kiro



Required Karma:

Kiro Golden Snowkiss Base.png

Kiro: Golden Snowkiss
How to get: Obtained Karma


Kiro: Oh? [MC], when did you go out? Why did you wake me!?
  • Option 1
MC: You were definitely worn out yesterday, and you were sleeping so soundly, so I wanted to let you keep sleeping~ I'm just going out to do some shopping. I'll be back in a jiffy!
Kiro: But waking up and not seeing you by my side, [MC]... that was a big Christmas let-down for me TAT
Kiro: Hang on... shopping?!
Kiro: What are you going to buy?
  • Option 2
MC: Today's a holiday, and there's nothing to do anyway, so you can just rest up. After all, I have a teeny bit of shopping to do. But I'll be back in a jiffy~
Kiro: It's precisely because it's a holiday that I can't let you spend it by yourself, Miss Chips!
Kiro: Hang on... shopping?
Kiro: Is there something we're missing?
  • Option 3
MC: The injury on your foot still needs to heal, so you just stay put at home~ I'm just going out to do some shopping, and I'll be back soon!
Kiro: I am obediently lying in bed. I haven't moved at all.
Kiro: I don't think that I regret anything more than spraining this ankle right now!!
Kiro: Hang on, did you say shopping? What is it you want to buy?
  • Option 1
MC: Take a guess.... Hint -- it has something to do with Christmas.
Kiro: That hint is really -- super -- useless!
Kiro: However, Detective Kiro has already found a menu on the table.
Kiro: Miss Chips is preparing a Christmas feast!
Kiro: If there's too much stuff, you can wait here and I'll come get you, okay?
  • Option 2
MC: No Christmas would be complete without a Christmas Feast! I've already got a perfect menu planned! [adjusts glasses]
Kiro: Looks like I'll be filling my tummy with yummies today!
Kiro: I can also help Chef [MC] in the kitchen! I'm a real pro at that!
Kiro: But won't you have to buy too much stuff? It's such a cold day. I'll pick you up!
  • Option 3
MC: You'll see when I get back! Today, I'll show off my true skills!
Kiro: Your true skills?
Kiro: Could it be a Christmas feast?!
Kiro: Hmm-hmm, I found a menu sitting on the table! Another brilliant deduction from yours truly.
Kiro: You probably have to buy a lot of stuff, don't you? On such a cold day, you shouldn't have to carry all that by yourself. Wait for me to find you!
  • Option 1
MC: Don't you move! Your foot is still healing. If you get up, I'll get angry! I'll take care of everything. Don't worry.
Kiro: Alright, alright. I'm not moving. No getting angry on a holiday!
Kiro: Well, remember to not try carrying too much or pick up anything too heavy!
Kiro: I'll wait for you to get back, and when you do, we'll prepare today's Christmas feast together.
Kiro: I suddenly realize that me waiting at home for you to come back is a fun new experience in itself.
  • Option 2
MC: Hee-hee, I just knew you'd want to do that, and so I took the key and locked the door from the outside OvO Don't go walking around on that foot, wait for me to get back!
Kiro: ...
Kiro: ...? Isn't that a bit presumptuous! Darn it!
Kiro: Don't buy too much stuff. It'll be too heavy! And your hands will freeze on such a cold day.
Kiro: When you get back, I think we need to discuss if there's something else we need to add for this Christmas feast tonight!
  • Option 3
MC: I'm already almost home! Don't you move. It's not easy to text while I'm carrying stuff, and on such a cold day. I'll talk later!
Kiro: ...!!
Kiro: I'm on my way! Don't worry. I'll walk slow.
Kiro: Be careful not to pass me on the street!