Kiro SMS: Blooper

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Kiro



Required Karma:

Kiro Honey Trap Base.png

Kiro: Honey Trap
How to get: Star Up: Three Stars


Kiro: Notice anything weird in that new movie, Miss Chips?
  • Option 1
MC: No... Is it something I should have noticed?
Kiro: Hahaha. No, probably better that you didn't.
Kiro: Actually, there was a blooper.
Kiro: But it looks like nobody noticed it.
  • Option 2
MC: I saw it! There was a blooper!
Kiro: So you did see it...
Kiro: Did you watch it under a microscope or something?
Kiro: That's amazing!
  • Option 3
MC: Now you mention it... I'll definitely watch it again.
Kiro: Haha! Thanks for your support!
Kiro: There's a blooper at around 3 minute and 20 second mark.
Kiro: Take a close look at the car that appears in the background.
  • Option 1
MC: It's not really a big deal though, is it?
Kiro: You're right. It doesn't ruin the scene.
Kiro: It's the difference between an open or shut car door. No big deal.
Kiro: But I'd still like to avoid it happening again.
  • Option 2
MC: I only noticed after watching several times...
Kiro: Anyway, it's not a really BAD blooper.
Kiro: I just stumbled across it too.
Kiro: Unfortunately it had already been released when I noticed it, otherwise I'd have sent it back for editing.
  • Option 3
MC: Anyway, it's still a great movie.
Kiro: Hahaha! I agree!
Kiro: Still, hopefully there isn't a next time.
Kiro: I feel responsibility towards my fans and myself.
  • Option 1
MC: Never mind, it's still a really great movie.
Kiro: I've got a great team and an amazing agent.
Kiro: And of course, my incredible fans.
Kiro: I just want to make good movies for them.
  • Option 2
MC: Thanks for sharing your little secret with me.
Kiro: I plan to share all kinds of secrets with you.
Kiro: Such as the location of my snack stash or perhaps Secret Base.
Kiro: Then you will need to keep my secrets too, Miss Chips.
  • Option 3
MC: Next time if I want to find the "Easter eggs" in your movies, I should pay more attention.
Kiro: NOOO!!! Please don't treat bloopers like they're Easter eggs!
Kiro: But you've given me an idea-maybe I'll include some real Easter eggs in my next movie.
Kiro: See if you can find them.