Intimate Date (Victor)

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For a complete list of dates, see also: Date List


"When an unscrupulous Sword Dealer stole my Peach Wood sword, I took it back, but he sent armed men after me. To get away I fled into the forest and dived into a small stream to hide. But just as I was about to get out of the water, someone or "something" grabbed onto my arm..."

General Requirements

  • Character: Victor
  • Required Intimacy: 7

Required Karma

Only one of the following Karma is required to unlock the date.

Dating Diary

Section 1

When I took back my Peach Wood sword from an unscrupulous Sword Dealer, he sent armed men after me. I fled into the forest and dived into a small stream. As I was about to leave, I met the Black Dragon, the Divine Guardian. He chased my pursuers away and asked me to open the barrier again for him.

Section 2

I explained to the Black Dragon why the men were chasing me and asked him for help. He agreed, and as we approached the city, I asked him what I should call him... however, he seemed very reluctant to reveal his name.

Section 3

The Sword Dealer recruited a gang of thugs and waited for me outside my home. He wanted the sword to subdue and control the Black Dragon. I refused, the Black Dragon helped me to diffuse the situation and we delivered the Sword Dealer to the Courthouse. Aftewards, the Black Dragon revealed to me the thing that could really control himm.

Section 4

We exchanged names, creating a special bond or "Lock". I expected he would leave the moment he gained his freedom. However, I never imagined he would choose to remain at my side. We then exchanged vows on a special day.
