Gavin SMS: Weekend Decoration

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Gavin




Gavin: What's with the crying emoji?
  • Option 1
MC: The downstairs neighbor is decorating. My head hurts all morning from the noise.
Gavin: Have you contacted property management?
Gavin: I happen to be on duty nearby. Getting off soon. Wait for me.
  • Option 2
MC: To let you know how I feel right now. The construction noise from downstairs is giving me a headache.
Gavin: I happen to be nearby. Coming over now.
Gavin: Have you contacted property management.
  • Option 3
MC: "Bzzzz..." Been hearing that construction noise all morning...
Gavin: I see.
Gavin: I'll be there soon. Have you contacted property management?
  • Option 1
MC: Not yet. Thought I'd put up with it for a while.
Gavin: Construction noise on weekends can be a real nuisance.
Gavin: Are you working this afternoon?
Gavin: If not, we can hang out and you can return home after dark.
  • Option 2
MC: I was just about to let property management know!
Gavin: Good, that's the right thing to do.
Gavin: Construction noise on weekends is a real nuisance. You have every right to make a complaint.
Gavin: And if all else fails, we could always go somewhere.
  • Option 3
MC: I did that before, but nothing happened...
Gavin: Construction noise on weekends is a real pain in the neck.
Gavin: But you don't need to put up with it.
Gavin: We can go somewhere to get away from the noise.
  • Option 1
MC: Any specific place in mind?
Gavin: No, not yet...
Gavin: But since the weather is so nice, we can walk while we decide on a destination.
Gavin: Actually I don't care where we go, as long as I'm with you.
  • Option 2
MC: Good point. But where are we going?
Gavin: You said you still got work to do
Gavin: I just went online and found a quiet cafe.
Gavin: A good place for you to finish up your work.
  • Option 3
MC: I have an idea... Let's go picnicking in the park!
Gavin: Okay. I'll go pick you up.
Gavin: I know an outdoor market. Since it's warm outside...
Gavin: ...We can go there and grab you some snacks.