Gavin SMS: Rewarding Myself

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General Info

Character: Gavin




Gavin: I heard you were almost done with your project. How are you going to reward yourself afterward?
  • Option 1
MC: Haven't given it any thought yet... Why do you ask?
Gavin: I remember you said that you'd reward yourself every time you finish something.
Gavin: This time, I want to do that with you.
Gavin: What did you reward yourself with last time?
  • Option 2
MC: I came up with a few options. But they're pretty much the same, so it's hard to choose!
Gavin: Let me help you.
Gavin: I remember you said that you'd reward yourself every time you finish something.
Gavin: What was the last reward you gave yourself?
  • Option 3
MC: Got it all planned out. Never miss a chance to reward myself!
Gavin: You earned it after all the hard work.
Gavin: I remember you said that you'd reward yourself every time you finish something.
Gavin: What did you reward yourself with last time?
  • Option 1
MC: I think it was a big meal-it brought all my energy back!
Gavin: Yep, eating does that.
Gavin: Anything else?
  • Option 2
MC: Last time? I took a couple days off. Went on a trip.
Gavin: A trip sounds nice.
Gavin: A good way to create memories.
  • Option 3
MC: I went on a shopping binge of course. No better way to unwind!
Gavin: That explains all the boxes in your house.
Gavin: If you want to go shopping again this time, call me. I'll go with you.
  • Option 1
MC: What about you? How do you reward yourself for a job done?
Gavin: Well, I don't think I've ever done that...
Gavin: The closest thing would be hanging out with you.
Gavin: Having you by my side is the best reward I can have.
  • Option 2
MC: I'll let you decide what my reward is this time!
Gavin: Okay.
Gavin: But I need time to think, because there are so many things I want to do with you.
Gavin: Might take a while to pick one.
  • Option 3
MC: To be honest, it doesn't matter what we do-I'm happy as long as we're together.
Gavin: I feel the same way.
Gavin: But I want this time to be special.
Gavin: Give me some time. I will give you an unforgettable memory.