Gavin SMS: Piano Recital

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Gavin




Gavin: [MC], there's a piano recital next Saturday night. Wanna go?
  • Option 1
MC: Sure! Given how well things are going at work, I should be available then.
Gavin: Good.
Gavin: It's going to be a big recital. The foreign pianist you like will be among the guests.
  • Option 2
MC: I'd love to! But only if I don't have to do overtime then...
Gavin: It's only two hours. Won't take much of your time.
Gavin: The foreign pianist you like will be among the guests. It'd be a shame if you missed it.
  • Option 3
MC: I was just about to look at the guest list and repertoire. Alright, let's go together!
Gavin: I browsed the list of pianists.
Gavin: Looks great. The foreign pianist you like is among them.
  • Option 1
MC: Wow, you still remember who my favorite pianist is. I haven't followed his updates for a while.
Gavin: Well, after you first told me about him, I listened to his works and it left an impression on me.
Gavin: I'll go book the tickets. You can have another look at the repertoire.
  • Option 2
MC: Come to think of it, I haven't been to a piano recital in a long while. I really could use some music!
Gavin: It's been a while for me too. I've kinda missed piano music.
Gavin: That settles it, then. I'll go book the tickets.
  • Option 3
MC: Wow, it's hard to believe he's coming to Loveland City! I won't miss it for the world!
Gavin: Right, I'll move my schedule around a bit tomorrow.
Gavin: That settles it, then. I'll book the tickets now.
  • Option 1
MC: I haven't touched the piano since I graduated. I'm itching to play it again!
Gavin: How about tonight? I haven't heard you play in a while.
Gavin: And if it's okay, I'd like to request a tune.
Gavin: How about Falling Slowly?
Gavin: We can sit by the window and play it together like we used to.
  • Option 2
MC: I saw a few tunes in the repertoire a lot. Would you like to hear me play them? I might be a bit rusty, though...
Gavin: I'd love to. I haven't heard you play in a long while.
Gavin: It's okay if you're rusty.
Gavin: We can practice together. Help you get back in the groove.
Gavin: Let's do it tonight. I'll pick you up. See you.
  • Option 3
MC: There are a few tunes in the repertoire that I like very much! What do you say we listen to them in advance tonight?
Gavin: Okay, although... I'd prefer to hear you play them.
Gavin: It's been a while since I heard you play piano. I've kinda missed it.
Gavin: Also, I'd like to request an extra tune.
Gavin: The one we played together last time—what do you say we play it together again? I'm sure we'll collaborate better this time.