Gavin SMS: Late Return

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Gavin




Gavin: Sorry. I think I'm going to be coming back a little late.
  • Option 1
Mc: It's alright. I'm doing some work anyways. I'll wait for you.
Gavin: It's getting pretty late.
Gavin: Why are you still working?
  • Option 2
MC: I was just taking a break and ordering some takeout. Want me to get you anything?
Gavin: It's fine. Don't worry about me.
Gavin: Why are you still working this late?
  • Option 3
MC: Did something happen? I'll wait for you. I'm doing some work anyways.
Gavin: Everything's fine. Just some complications at work.
Gavin: Working late again?
  • Option 1
Mc: I was just going to get a little work done while waiting for you. I didn't think there was still so much left.
Gavin: Sorry to keep you up.
Gavin: It wasn't my first time coming home to see you still up. You don't have to wait for me next time.
  • Option 2
MC: I've been procrastinating too much these days, so it's nice that I can finish some work while waiting for you.
Gavin: So you wouldn't have to stay up so late if I got home earlier?
Gavin: Don't stay up this late for me next time.
  • Option 3
MC: I'm waiting for you anyways, hehe.
Gavin: You've been staying up late a lot recently.
Gavin: You don't have to wait for me if you feel sleepy.
  • Option 1
Mc: Not at all. I'm used to taking work back home. So you don't have to feel guilty.
Gavin: You've been taking a lot of work home recently.
Gavin: It must be hard for you.
Gavin: I'll bring you some tasty late-night snacks when I get home.
  • Option 2
MC: I have work to do anyway. Besides, I figured someone waiting for you to come home is a great way to show that you're loved and cherished.
Gavin: You are right. It does make me feel like that.
Gavin: It's as if there's a light in the darkness just for me.
Gavin: You also have a warm hug waiting for you when I get home.
  • Option 3
MC: It's alright. I have work to do anyway.
Gavin: Really?
Gavin: I'll make sure to come back earlier in the future.
Gavin: That way, we'll both be able to sleep early.