Gavin SMS: Haunting Taste

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General Info

Character: Gavin




Gavin: Remember that restaurant we went to the other day? We said we'd come back.
  • Option 1
MC: Sure, let's go eat there again!
Gavin: How about this weekend?
Gavin: I passed it earlier today and saw a notice.
Gavin: Said it was closing.
  • Option 2
MC: I do. And I miss the food there.
Gavin: Why don't we go back this weekend?
Gavin: I passed it earlier today and saw a notice.
Gavin: Said it was about to be sold.
  • Option 3
MC: Now that you mention it, I can't wait to eat there again!
Gavin: Yeah, let's do that soon.
Gavin: I passed it earlier today and saw a notice.
Gavin: That place has already been sold and will close next month.
  • Option 1
MC: What a shame. It's hard to...
  • Option 2
MC: What? They can't attract customers with food that good?
Gavin: The notice didn't specify the reason.
Gavin: We could go ask next time we eat there.
Gavin: It really is a shame.
  • Option 3
MC: That sucks. Restaurants I like are getting fewer by the day...
Gavin: That's okay.
Gavin: We'll find more places like that in the future.
Gavin: We'll try every restaurant there is.
  • Option 1
MC: I should make a list of all the restaurants I want to try. And I better do that before they disappear from the map.
Gavin: I can help you with that.
Gavin: We'll visit those restaurants, one by one.
  • Option 2
MC: Is there any food that haunts you and gives you cravings?
Gavin: Not that I can think of, although I did have my share of good food in my life.
Gavin: Maybe I care more about what food does to my mood than what it does to my palate.
  • Option 3
MC: Recently I find mself thinking about those snacks I had as a kid. Wonder if they still exist.
Gavin: I'm sure they do.
Gavin: You're not alone in being nostalgic.
Gavin: We can go seek them out someday. Relive our childhood.