Gavin SMS: Gavin-Shoot

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General Info

Character: Gavin




MC: Report to Captain Gavin! The flower's sprouted today!
Gavin: Copy. Looks like everything went smoothly.
  • Option 1
MC: Yeah, but some of its leave caught worms. I decided to trim it a bit.
Gavin: I see.
Gavin: Looks like growing flowers is not an easy task.
Gavin: A lot of patience and energy is needed.
  • Option 2
MC: We just need to trim it regularly afterwards.
Gavin: it seems that you are getting better at things.
Gavin: But raising flower isn't an easy task.
Gavin: A lot of patience and energy is needed.
  • Option 3
MC: Yeah, but the flower shop owner said we need to take more care about the health of its leaves.
Gavin: Looks like growing flowers is not an easy task.
Gavin: A lot of patience and energy is needed.
  • Option 1
MC: It's a chance for me to calm down
Gavin: I can see that your mood is getting much better recently.
Gavin: I wish that you can always be happy like this.
  • Option 2
MC: Actually, I've watched many videos of gardening master, and I quite admire their patience.
Gavin: In our yard in the future, you can plant whatever you like.
Gavin: I'll plant them with you.
  • Option 3
MC: It won't be a waste if you enjoy it.
Gavin: That's reasonable.
Gavin: I'm happy seeing you enjoying yourself.
Gavin: It has added a lot of fun to this season.