Gavin SMS: Checkup

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For a complete list of all SMS, see also: Phone SMS List

General Info

Character: Gavin




Gavin: You were in the hospital?
  • Option 1
MC: How did you know... Did you see me?
Gavin: Yup. I was there for a mission.
Gavin: But I couldn't speak to you at the time.
Gavin: Are you alright? Not feeling well?
  • Option 2
MC: Were you there too? Did you get hurt?
Gavin: It was for work. Don't worry.
Gavin: How about you? Are you not well?
  • Option 3
MC: Huh? Did you see me in the hospital?
Gavin: Yup. I was there for a mission.
Gavin: Are you alright? Not feeling well?
  • Option 1
MC: Don't worry. It's just a regular checkup
Gavin: Good.
Gavin: Regular checkups are important.
Gavin: I should probably have mine soon.
  • Option 2
MC: No, I was there for our show on checkup!
Gavin: Good, that's a relief.
Gavin: That's an interesting theme for a show.
Gavin: I should probably have my regular checkups soon.
  • Option 3
MC: No, I went with Willow for her checkup.
Gavin: Good.
Gavin: I remember you haven't had your checkup yet.
Gavin: Don't forget about it.
  • Option 1
MC: I can come with you for your checkup.
Gavin: ...Ahem, it's okay.
Gavin: Don't worry, I'll take care of myself.
  • Option 2
MC: Take care when you're on missions.
Gavin: Sure, I will.
Gavin: Since you're well, wanna go for a ride tonight?
Gavin: I'll pick you up later.
  • Option 3
MC: I'm afraid of blood tests, are you?
Gavin: I'm alright.
Gavin: Let me know when you have blood tests next time.
Gavin: I'll go with you.
Gavin: There's nothing to be afraid of when I'm with you.