Gavin SMS: Back to School (Karma)

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General Info

Character: Gavin



Required Karma:


Gavin: Starstruck
How to get: Obtained Karma


MC: I'm glad we could visit the campus together.
Gavin: I'm glad to come with you too
  • Option 1
MC: It's like time has been rewound the second we step into the campus.
Gavin: It reminded me of a lot of memories too.
Gavin: High school was a time that was very dear to me.
  • Option 2
MC: The campus reminded me of a lot of things that happened in the past.
Gavin: Looking at the track field, once so familiar to us...
Gavin: I can't help being reminded of so many memories.
Gavin: High school was a time that was very dear to me.
  • Option 3
MC: I'm happy to hear that.
Gavin: It's been a long time since we last came back. A lot has changed.
Gavin: A lot has remained the same too, though.
Gavin: This high school campus really meant a lot to me.
  • Option 1
MC: Wow, I didn't know that everyone's favourite bad boy loved his school so much!
Gavin: Ahem, I'm not a bad boy!
Gavin: I'm glad to have met Mr. Keller today. He really influenced me a lot.
Gavin: Beside Mr. Keller, some other people and events were important to me too.
  • Option 2
MC: Why was it dear to you?
Gavin: High school pretty much changed my life.
Gavin: Mr. Keller's kind teachings, the ginko in the fall, and...
  • Option 3
MC: Eh? Are they bad memories?
Gavin: So, in your eyes I'm still the same bad boy who used to skip classes, huh?
Gavin: Mr. Keller really influenced me a lot. He never treated students with prejudice.
Gavin: Besides...
  • Option 1
MC: Me, perhaps?
Gavin: ...
Gavin: What about you? What's the most memorable part of high school for you?
  • Option 2
MC: As for what influenced you a lot... I guess it must be the spicy lobsters sold at the front gate, huh?
Gavin: You just can't stop thinking about food, huh?
Gavin: Ah... what do I do about you?
Gavin: What's the most memorable part of high school for you?
  • Option 3
MC: The Dean of Student Affairs who gave you detention all the time, maybe?
Gavin: He probably thought I was a pain in the neck.
Gavin: I usually steered clear of him so he wouldn't get a headache.
Gavin: What about you? What's the most memorable part of high school for you?
  • Option 1
MC: It's probably the piano room for me.
Gavin: I heard you playing the piano a lot.
  • Option 2
MC: The stray cats on campus were the most memorable for me.
Gavin: There was a black cat called Bun Bun, right? You fed him a lot, right?
  • Option 3
MC: The library, of course. I spent most of my time there.
Gavin: The library, huh? I haven't been there much.
Gavin: Let's visit the school again when autumn comes.