Fortuitous Date

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For a complete list of dates, see also: Date List


"After accidentally learning the news of Lucien's return, I wandered to the newly completed research center. What's more surprising was that I met Lucien again here..."

General Requirements

  • Character: Lucien
  • Required Intimacy: 6

Required Karma

Only one of the following Karma is required to unlock the date.

Dating Diary

Section 1

On this day, I returned to Loveland City to spend time with my father and learned from his phone about Lucien's return, which stirred up many emotions in me. Before I knew it, I came to the newly completed Lucien Bioscience Research Center.

Section 2

I walked around the center as I had done many times before. When I walked past the laboratory, memories of my first encounter with him flooded back. Suddenly, footsteps sounded from downstairs. I then hurriedly pushed open the door and ran into Lucien! This counter, after many years, made my heart race.

Section 3

The familiar past seemed to have happened again. I didn't expect Lucien to remember me and what happened at the orphanage. I invited him to be a guest on the show when I became a producer.

Section 4

An unexpected change in the weather caused some incidents to this encounter. I secretly wished time would slow down slightly while being glad that I could get alongside him sooner this time. Our goodbye wasn't forever. This time, I knew we would see each other again soon.
